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This is one of several pieces Robert Burns composed for Jessie Lewars, the girl who helped nurse him in his final illness.

"Here's a health to ane I loe dear, Here's a health to ane I loe dear;

Thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet, And soft as their parting tear-Jessy.

Altho' thou maun never be mine, Altho' even hope is denied;

'Tis sweeter for thee despairing, Than ought in the world beside-Jessy.

I mourn thro' the gay, gaudy day, As hopeless I muse on thy charms;

But welcome the dream o' sweet slumber, For then I am lockt in thine arms-Jessy.

I guess by the dear angel smile, I guess by the love-rolling e'e;

But why urge the tender confession, 'Gainst Fortune's fell, cruel decree?-Jessy.

Here's a health to ane I loe dear, Here's a health to ane I loe dear;

Thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet, And soft as their parting tear-Jessy."

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