Robert Burns was inspired by Allan Ramsay for the form of this poem which he wrote in 1794. This is yet another example of Burns showing his Jacobite sentiments – ‘Somebody’ in this case being a synonym for Bonnie Prince Charlie.
“My heart is sair-I dare na tell, My heart is sair for Somebody;
I could wake a winter night For the sake o' Somebody.
O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody!
I could range the world around, For the sake o' Somebody.
"Ye Powers that smile on virtuous love, O, sweetly smile on Somebody!
Frae ilka danger keep him free, And send me safe my Somebody!
O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody!
I wad do-what wad I not? For the sake o' Somebody."